Several people have asked me why I named the business “Bowen Arrow Safety Services” and I inevitably get, “is it about archery safety, you know, bows and arrows?” or “what exactly is it supposed to mean, anyway?”

For clarification, allow me to explain where the name came from. Besides the obvious connection with my last name, I use “Bowen Arrow” as a play on words. The arrow theme encapsulates my desire for my business. When one thinks of an arrow, they usually imagine it being shot and striking directly where it is aimed.

My intention with Bowen Arrow Saftey Service is to go directly to the heart of the matter, no matter the subject. The catalyst behind any change must start with the heart. If I’m teaching an OSHA class, MSHA class, equipment training course, leadership class, I talk about the heart. The Bible has two amazing verses that speak about the heart that I use for guidance. Matthew 12:34 says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” and Proverbs 4: 23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

It is vital for any company that desires to have a robust safety culture to understand that unless we get down to heart level, any behavioral change will be short-lived. If you want your company's culture to change and don’t know where to start, give me a call. We will aim our arrow and shoot straight for the heart.

-Clint Bowen, Owner

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